T. Mike's Links:
This page belongs to my friend Chris Kelly, but visit it anyway, because he draws a really bitingly funny cartoon called Fried Society. I should say, drew, rather, because he doesn't do it anymore. But check out the archived ones online and then email him and suggest he start doing it again.
Who wouldn't want to go visit the Museum of Menstruation and Women's Health? Educational and fun! And no, it's not graphic, it's mostly old advertisements, so get your mind out of the gutter, ya big twelve-year-old porno freak. |
I hope I'm not getting too personal, but are your nipples flat, or inverted? Then you should visit the Niplette web page and view this remarkable device. My only complaint is the advertising seems to be slanted entirely towards women. Sexist jerks! |
Here's a prime example of what the Interent is all about. An outlet for people's devotion to topics otherwise irrelevant and shameful. Like say, the TV show Small Wonder! The depth of analysis this person has subjected the show to is simply staggering. Take some time to read the numerous essays. |
Here's America's coolest, or at least, most eclectic and eccentric radio station around, the totally freeform WFMU. Expand your musical knowledge with their frequent essays on musics obscure and inscrutable. |
Hey, remember 1992? All America rediscovered composer Raymond Scott! Then they promptly forgot about him again. Well, he's still cool, dammit! He's the man Warner Bros. cartoon composer Carl Stalling cribbed all his melodies from! Every child knows a dozen of his tunes without even knowing it thanks to Bugs Bunny. |
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John Oswald is
Plunderphonics, a mad scientist who creates new music by stitching together very tiny pieces stolen from various musical corpses of the twentieth century. Not always quite so listenable, but always interesting.
My musical tastes are a little eclectic. Okay, more like nonsensically crazy quilty. I like all kinds of stuff, except, of course, New Age-what am I, a sap? Although that Kitaro is soothing... sorry, I digress. So when I heard that L.A. was home to the J. S. Bach Experience, a quartet that played only pieces by Herr Johann Sebastian I thought, so? But when I heard they played them rock style, with traditional bass, drums, and two guitars, I thought, about damn time! They got a CD and their own web page, what else does a band need these days?
There are a lot more music links here, at the Rocklopedia Fakebandica. This is a little side project of mine growing out of my obsession for novelty music. It is under construction and I welcome suggestions. Contribute to my madness, won't you? |  |
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