| Pornography. |
 | Cops that aren't "too big" to take a bribe. |
 | The fact that no one knows how you "used" the raw turkey. |
 | Alla you biznitches! Peace out! |
 | Glory holes. Especially the one between your bedroom and the guest room your relatives are staying in. |
 | The coming race war. |
 | The fact that your cousin swallows (or so you heard). |
 | Little girls (cue long, lingering look at the kids' table). |
 | Your family's willingness to take part in your elaborate murder-suicide pact. More turkey grandma? |
 | Rough sex. |
 | That grampa isn't alive today to see what a bunch of shits you all turned out to be. (Ideally, grampa will be both a) alive and b) at the table when you say this.) |
 | That your sister still doesn't know how she owes her existence to a fifth of vermouth and a timely visit by the meter man. |
 | Men who aren't afraid to cry when you unload a pistol into them. |
 | The fact that you prepared some visual aids that explain in stunning detail how turkeys are slaughtered. |
 | Biz and its ability to get out blood stains. |
 | The continued existence of affordable crack whores in this unstable economy. |
 | Gag orders. And if cousin Bobby knows what's good for him, he'd be thankful for them, too. |
 | Fisting. |
 | Over-spiced stuffing that hides the taste of urine. |
 | Physics! (Then sloppily try the pull-the-tablecloth off the table trick.) |