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You talk to the guy next to you

Ah, he's so damn boring you fall asleep almost immediately. While you sleep, you dream about your plans. You plan to strap 100 pounds of heavy explosives to your body, climb to the top of the Flatiron Building, set the timer for a minute later, then jump off. Or, more likely, you will climb to the top of the Flatiron Building, lay down until you stop wheezing, buy explosives from a traveling fly-bot (they sell everything nowadays), set the timer for a minute later, then jump off.

After you crash to the ground and explode into several thousand gobbets of hot, steaming meat, you will undoubtedly draw a crowd. Then the timer goes off, turning dozens of lookie-loos into more gobbets. Your component elements smile as they waft off to be absorbed by plants.

You wake up when the zeppelin lands, you get off, and start walking toward the Flatiron.

Do you walk on the left side or the right side?

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