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You decide to blow the head off the sphinx

This has long been one of your goals. I mean, how many people can claim to have utterly destroyed one of the oldest man-made objects on the planet? We're talkin' serious bragging rights here.

You pull out your hyper-suitcase and pack it full of the essentials (toothbrush, toupee glue, gold chains, low-buttoned flowered shirt, sock for stuffing in pants). But as you prepare to pick up the neurophone to make your reservations on the next zeppelin, you realize that your cyberpassport has expired. Plus, you've still never seen Cats, so you figure "what the hell, forget about the damn sphinx, I'll go to New York and jump off the Flatiron building instead."

You call up the travel agency and buy tickets for New York. The clerk tells you they will cost one thousand credits, then poses this query to you:

Do you want aisle or window?


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