Jeremy Responds!
Our e-postman dropped this missive by the mighty VGG international HQ:
I do remember what the letters on the dreidel stand for, by the way
"nun" pronounced like "noon" but spelled like a woman who has taken
whatever vows catholic nuns take. Hmm
I think this stands for "never,"
as in "My ex-friend Jason never calls me."
"gimel" In addition to being the name of the third letter of the Hebrew
alphabet, "gimel" is also the Hebrew word for "camel." I think it stands
for "My ex-friend Jason is like a camel, because I have not gotten a call
from a camel in a long time, and I haven't gotten a call from Jason,
"hey" Hey, my ex-friend Jason, give me a call, for crying out loud.
"shin" stands for the Hebrew word "shahm," meaning "there," as in, "A
great miracle happened there." In Israel, this is replaced with the Hebrew
letter "peh," which stands for "here," as in "A great miracle happened
here." In Atlanta, it is replaced with a "MEFJNCM" as in "My ex-friend
Jason never calls me."
To which the non-Jason contingent of the Van Gogh-Goghs reply:
Oooooooooh! Jason's in trooooouble!
 back to Dreidel 2000