Prove Us Wrong Number 27
RESOLVED: The worst part of any live album is when a band member talks to the audience.
Date: Tuesday, October 2, 2001 10:09 PM
From: cliffhanger@(deleted)
Subj: Just give it up, will ya?
A living album, huh? Are we talking Albumus recordis, or Albumus
compactis discus? Am I just to assume that because Albumus recordis is
endangered, it is not to be considered? Jerk.
I'm not very familiar with the details of album anatomy. Where on an album is the band member? (Webster Dictionary - member: "a part of an animal or plant.") Is it a limb, or a membrane? I'm assuming it is some sort of loop shape, as it is a "band". Obviously, it must be used for
vocalization. After all, it talks to the audience, which the Webster
Dictionary defines as follows: audience: "an opportunity of being
heard." It talks to the opportunity...? I guess I understand, but your
language is somewhat archaic.
So then what I'm hearing is this: the worst part of an album (the species of which has not been specified - shame on you...) when it is alive (what's the worst part of a dead album?) is that is uses a
band-shaped body part to speak, for the purpose of hearing itself.
What's so bad about that? I know a lot of humans who speak just to hear
their own heads rattle. For that matter, I know a lot of people who type
just because they can. There is nothing wrong with this action in and of
itself. However, it becomes pitiful when these people write pointless,
anti-album statements and then claim that they cannot be proven wrong.
Even that only become truly pitiful in cases such as now, when people who think albums are nice little critters prove those airheads wrong. Go pick on someone else, you band-member-hating person!
To Rebut:
Speaking of heads rattling, in the future, someone remind me to limit these Prove Us Wrongs to natives of this planet.
Okay, li'l Mary Sunshine, first, you left out cassette tapes, 8-tracks, reel-to-reel tapes, minidiscs, DATs, and wax cylinders. But I don't care what medium the album is on, doof. Like your email, it just doesn't matter.
Second, as to where on an album is the band member? Why, in the groove, dude! (Okay, that was weak.)
Third, as for what's the worst part of a Dead album? Hoo boy, don't get me started, I could go on all day.
Fourth, I don't hate albums, nor particularly live albums, we're just saying like, more rock, less talk, so why don't you GET OFF MY BACK ALREADY, FREAK!

Date: Tuesday, October 2, 2001 10:09 PM
From: cliffhanger@(deleted)
Subj: Would you happen to mean bums named Al?
Doesn't that depend on the album? For example, a band member talking
to the audience can't be the worst part of a live album if it is a live
album where the band does not talk. Yes, it happens. Still saying "any"
live album?
Obviously, you don't know of any crappy music where the band members
talk. Does *Nsync, or however the hell they spell their bootleg name, do
that? If they did, you would be very, very, very wrong. I haven't
listened to many live albums of any sort, but I can tell you that this
talking stuff is filler for gaps, because the people who do it generally
can't sing, and aren't creative enough to come up with many good songs.
Thus, anytime the best thing a band member can think of to do is talk
about something uninteresting, you can bet that the music is even worse.
The exception to the above is short introductions, such as in Adam Sandler's "Ode to My Car" (a truly exceptional song), which starts with "Here we go!". If you prefer more common songs, then make note of this
little anecdote: A foreign exchange student I know refuses to sing any
American songs in front of her classmates. Yet she once came into class
and exclaimed, "Laidies and gentlemen, this is Mambo Number Five!" She
thought is was great.
Hah. Take that. Foolish, pitiful mortal.
To Rebut:
Oooh! Live albums where the band never talks to the audience! I did not think of that. Crap, we did say "any" live album, didn't we? Guess you've proved us wrong. And it really grates to have to admit that too you, because I really, really hate being reminded of my pitifulness and my mortality.
Fortunately, I can console myself with the fact that you didn't think of opposite, a live album where the band ONLY talks and never plays! Impossible you say?! You've obviously never heard of Elvis PresleyÕs album "Having
Fun With Elvis on Stage." Which is ALL between song talk and no songs and frequently makes the top ten worst albums of all time lists.

Date: Friday, October 5, 2001 7:52 AM
From: d-badger@(deleted)
Subj: worst part of any live album?
not true. on Tool's first EP (a few songs of which are live), maynard
keenan says of the venue in which they are playing: "there used to be a
bunch of assholes that lived in this part of the building here... but we
systematically removed them like you would any termite or roach."
brilliant comedic insight.
David M. Badger
To Rebut:
Hunh. Sounds more like the scary dangerous rantings of a grade-A psycho to me. Oh well, different strokes for different folks!

Date: Monday, 08 Oct 2001 01:04
From: ellie@(deleted)
Subj: Worst part...
The band talking to the audience would not be the worst part of a live album if the 'music' consisted of the following things, together or separate, for every minute of every song:
nails slowly scratching up a chalkboard
high pitched speaker feedback
that sound utility trucks make backing up
my roommate's infernal alarm clock
my roommate's infernal car alarm
rabid fighting squirrels
To Rebut:
Wow, that list is like some kinda post-modern e.e. cummings poem! I'd hate to spoil its beauty by admitting you've proved us wrong, so I'll just move on.

Date: Sunday, October 14, 2001 9:43 PM
From: wbm@(deleted)
Subj: "Prove Us Wrong". umm... ok
hmmm... I'm 31 now, & one of the main reasons I cannot [& I mean CANNOT] listen to a live album at my current maturity level [even the classic
Kiss Alive! grates on my nerves these days] is due to the 'band member
talking to the audience' crap. I mean - WHO CARES what some rock'n'roll
dude yelled into a mic at a concert in Albuquerque in 1986? I mean,
BUT... I was once 15 years old, & the part in Iron Maiden's 'Running
Free' where the band breaks down & bruce dickinson divides the audience
in half & pits each side to a cheering contest [recorded in STEREO, no
less!] was one of THE coolest rock'n'roll moments in 1985, imho.
so, while it's still only a matter of opinion - in mine, you're wrong...
if you're 15 & have no life & your only friends are black vinyl discs.
To Rebut:
Yeah... yeah. Hey man, look. We were all 15 once. Well, except for those people who died at 14 and under. But even though the pleasures of youth have lost their appeal and like 1 Corinthians 13:11, you have put aside childish things now that you are an adult, try to hold on to that feeling you had when at 15, when you played Iron Whatever's yadda yadda yadda. Your email has touched me and I'm not going to kick you in the teeth for revealing yourself. But the important thing is not to kick yourself in the teeth for it, either.
I think.

Date: Monday, October 22, 2001 6:41 AM
From: lsmith0666@(deleted)
Subj: Prove us wrong: The worst part of any live album is when a band member talks to the audience
I disagree. 5 minute drum solos are the worst part of any live album.
To Rebut:
Ouch! Long drum solos. I'll concede they are equally bad as the talking, which means both parts are the worst and you have proved us wrong. Unless it was a live album of just drums.

Date: Monday, October 22, 2001 6:28 PM
From: alan@vgg
Subj: Fw: Prove us wrong: The worst part of any live album is when a band member talks to the audience
Actually, I think bass solos are worse. Ooh, and what about those horrible "percussion" solos the Grateful Dead used to do?
To Rebut:
Now Alan, bass solos are an important ego-building exercise for bassists, who have chronic justifiably low self-esteem. Who are we to take that away from them? But yeah, those drum solos blow.

Date: Friday, October 26, 2001 3:22 AM
From: blakjacq@(deleted)
Subj: Proooving You Wrong
Re: The Worst Part Of Any Live Album Is When the band talks to the audience.
Let me just say this: You don't know what you're talking about. When the band
talks to the audience, it's the only way for us "little people" to really get to understand and know the artist. Cae in point- U2's Rattle And Hum. This album kicks off with the roar of the crowd. The masses are chanting: we want to know what you think Bono! Tell us your personal fears and desires! You know what he does, he simply says. "Charles Manson stole this song from the Beatles. We're taking it back!" Now that is some powerful stuff. Another case: Pearl Jam during their MTV Unplugged gig took timeout to mumble something. Now I admit now that it was a bit unclear and impossible to understand, but it was a great attempt for the band to show its inner peace or pain. F*&% the music, the message, as always, is in the words.
I don't wanna waste my time
Become another casualty of society
Don't wanna fall in line
Become another victim of your conformity
To Rebut:
Oh you rapscallion! You're secretly agreeing with us, aren't you?! Yes you are! You kids and your crazy sarcasm and irony!

Date: Thursday, October 25, 2001 11:00 AM
From: P.Oreilly@(deleted)
Subj: The Live Album Thing
With great pleasure and a certain amount of smug satisfaction I can tell
you, that I have never listened to a live (or otherwise) Bryan Adams album.
Despite this enviable shortcoming, I feel I have the necessary sense, taste
and decency to declare that surely, SURELY, any parts where big Bryan talks
to the audience would be a (relative) high point. Ergo etc. QED blablabla
To Rebut:
All I can think of right now is what a killer epitaph that is going to make on your tombstone: "P. O'Reilly - He never listened to a Bryan Adams album." Ooo! even better, use it at your next sentencing hearing: "With all due respect your honor, while I do not contest my murder conviction, I would like to point out that I have never listened to a Bryan Adams album." Let me know how it goes.

Date: Friday, October 26, 2001 12:01 AM
From: dwc@(deleted)
Subj: Live Album
You know when they said "Hello Detroit".
Well, they were looking right at me, I swear to God.
That rocks.
To Rebut:
And you believed them?! What a sucker!

Date: Friday, October 26, 2001 4:08 PM
From: dwc@(deleted)
Subj: Live Album
I'm sorry, I didn't have much time when I wrote you before, and I left
some stuff out. This is a rebuttal to the thesis that the worst part of
a live album is when they talk to the audience.
You know when they said "Hello Detroit".
Well, they were looking right at me, I swear to God.
That rocks.
Also, even though this has been a few years ago, I would like it if you
call me "Detroit", especially if chicks are around. Just say something
like "Hey Detroit, you rock!".
To Rebut:
Hey Detroit, is this your gay porno?! (How was that? Did the chick hear me?) Yo Detroit, don't forget to empty your colostomy bag! Seriously. (Hey, where'd the chicks go?)
Okay, okay, we all had a lot of fun just then, but now to business. Having a band sorta kinda mention you by name is probably kinda cool. So while you have proved us wrong, I would like to point out that this is a special case that only you and Asian people named "Woo" are likely to experience.

Date: Tuesday, October 30, 2001 12:38 AM
From: frampdog@(deleted)
Have you ever listened to any of Alabama's live albums?
The best parts (although still terrible)are when they stop playing their
music and "relate" the the crowd.
To Rebut:
Arrrgh!!! You have proved us wrong!!! The worst part of an Alabama live album is when they STOP talking and START SINGING!! NYARRRRRGHHHNNNNAAA!!!!!

Date: Wednesday, October 31, 2001 10:12 PM
From: sshannon@(deleted)
Subj: The Band Member isn't the worst part
While it is true that having the band member speak to the audience sucks, it isn't the worst part of a live album. Usually, they will only talk once or twice on an album, and sometimes their accents are pretty funny. The worst part of a live album is the audience cheering between every track. If you want to go to song #4, it starts immediatly with a bunch of high pitched woo-hooing. Plus, there is always the one guy that is screaming so loud that you are embarassed to play the cd in your car for fear that someone on the street will hear it.
To Rebut:
Nah, that cheering crap is just so much white noise that can be mentally edited out. And if you're not proud enough of your fave band to have it be heard blaring out of our car window, crazy screamy psycho guy and all, then maybe you'd better just turn in your fan club membership card right now, mister!

Date: Saturday, November 3, 2001 5:15 AM
From: sackc01@(deleted)
Subj: Live Album talking
RESOLVED: The worst part of any live album is when a band member talks to the audience.
Damn, dudes. I would prove you absolutely totally wrong here. I would
rip you up like a hawk on a Whinnie-The-Pooh doll. I would smother
whipped cream all over your smooth, glistening....
A-hem. Where was I? Oh yes, I would totally destroy any reasoning behind
this supposed conclusion of yours. That is, I would if you weren't
Totally Absolutely Right! For once.
Geez, guys, how the hell do you expect anyone to prove you "wrong" in a
humurous manner if your resolution isn't even wrong to begin with! I
mean, NO ONE buys live albums for the talking! Talking SUCKS! Hell, if
it were up to me, there would BE no live albums! The only reason bands
make these albums is that they are real cheap to make, so they can make
a quick buck of the ignoramuses in our gatuitous society.
You really have to come up with something better next time, or I shall
quit this escapade of foolish mockery.
P.S. I cast upon thee my fair garbonzo beans and salty tree trout.
To Rebut:
That goes well with a nice chianti, Clarice. Slurpslurpslurp! Just kidding. we would never eat anyone who agrees with us. Well... hardly ever. Say, nine times out of ten.

Date: Monday, November 5, 2001 7:35 AM
From: rokcrawla@(deleted)
uuh, blink 182? hilarious talking just as good as the music
To Rebut:
Oooo! So close! Only Blink 182 don't have a live album! Face! Burn! Psych! And other regional variants of monosyllabic taunt!

Date: Tuesday, November 13, 2001 7:03 AM
From: Slapicous@(deleted)
Subj: bicycle helmets
I know you are well passed the whole bicycle helmet thing..and onto bigger
and better "live album" thesises..however..having not checked in in quite
some time..this "Prove Me Wrong" sparked a particular interest in me..and
reminded me of a great story I'd like to share...
Several months ago, I accompanied my 75 year old mother to her new doctor. It
was her first visit, and she had to fill out many forms about her history. I
filled out the forms for her, askingher each question along the way. At the
end of the form there was a list of standard questions..i.e.. do you smoke,
do you drink..
and then..there it was.... "DO YOU WEAR A BICYCLE HELMET?"
mind you..she's 75 and probably hasnt been on a bicycle in 50 years..but we
both got such a visual out of this... my 75 year old mother..in a bicycle
helmet...just for the hell of it...
the next question..............
well... there was no hesitation...mom & I quickly agreed...and I immediately
wrote down "A BICYCLE HELMET"
cuz..no one ever got laid wearing a bicycle helmet...
nuff said
To Rebut:
Good story! And you even agree with us! Thanks!

Date: Tuesday, November 13, 2001 7:11 PM
From: howard@(deleted)
Subj: Prove us wrong
The worst part of any live album is when a band member talks to the
Indeed, beyond that the worst part of a live performance is inevitably when
a band member decide to say something pithy or insightful, usually something
along the lines of, "How ya doin' out there?" Remember these are often high
school dropouts. Stick to your guns, guys.
... but ...
There is the Dead Kennedys number 'Night Of The Living Rednecks'
which is a live, extemporaneous story Jello Biafra told while East Bay Ray
fixed a broken guitar string at a show in 1979. This became classic and
actually appeared as a bootleg single and on the Greatest Hits compilation
Give Me Convenience or Give Me Death. Whether this constitutes proving you
wrong is up for debate.
To Rebut:
I have that album. Jello tells a story about how he threw a rock at a pickup truck, then gets offended when they dare chase after him. That Jello Biafra just thinks he's so cool.
So to answer your question, I'm sorry but as you yourself point out, Give Me Convenience or Give Me Death, is a Greatest Hits compilation and not a live album! So while I think that track is the low point of the album, the issue is moot. (Hey Jello, trash a bank if you've got real balls!)

Date: Tuesday, November 20, 2001 8:29 PM
From: John.Arrowwood@(deleted)
Subj: RE: The worst part of a live album...
By definition, the "worst" implies that it is more "bad" than any other
Talking to the audience is bad. Don't get me wrong.
But talking to them in a foreign language...
Or how about when they ask the audience to do the singing? They are going
along doing the singing, you can hear them just fine, then all of a sudden,
they stop singing and expect the audience to fill in. But the microphone
doesn't really pick up the audience, or what it does is badly timed or off
key, etc.
But to fully PROVE it would require you to first define what constitutes
good or bad to YOU...
John Arrowwood
Quality Assurance Engineer
Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by
stupidity - Hanlon's Razor
To Rebut:
I have a soft spot for QA folks, cuz I am one myself. However, you screwed up, John. Bad. And I cain't do nothin' for ya, man. See, I don't have to define no good or bad nothing. Each live album is taken separately, and a definition of its "most goodest" and "god-awfullest" sections are relevant for that album only. Thus the best live album in the world will have a worst point, even if that worst point is head and shoulders above the best point of many other, lesser live albums. It's still the worst point for THAT ALBUM. Are ya following me, son? It's all relative!
Besides, talking to the audience in a foreign language is still talking to audience. And when the audience is singing, the audience is singing, and the band is not talking.

Date: Tuesday, November 20, 2001 9:28:24 PM
From: MarvintheM@(deleted)
Subj: hmm...
I dunno..I have to say the worst part is hearing all the screaming fans that
are louder than the music..you didn't buy the album "bunch of idiots
screaming for my favorite band"...you bought the album with live MUSIC from
your favorite band...in theory at least, but in theory, communism works.
~Pizza Chick-- the Indefinitely Right
To Rebut:
Hmmm. The cheering shouldn't be drowning out the music. Check that your stereo balance knob is properly centered. it is? Are your tape heads clean? It's a CD? Oh. Maybe you've got a blown speaker. Try it on a different stereo. If it still sounds bad, you may just have an improperly mixed album on your hands (I'm assuming this is not a bootleg. If it is, well, caveat emptor.) If you're still having trouble, write an angry letter to the band and cc it to the album's producer, the mixer, record label, and any mobile recording company listed in the liner notes. If that doesn't work, wait twenty years for a brand new recording format to come out that makes CDs sound like poop, and when they re-release that particular live album, insist they go back and remix it proper. Hope that helps!

Date: Tuesday, November 20, 2001 9:37 PM
From: pross@(deleted)
Subj: The worst part of any live album is . . .
The worst part of any live album is when a band member talks to the
Possibly the only exception to this is Sarah Mclachlan's "Ice Cream" live.
She invited the audience to sing with her by using the internationally known
"Please join me in song" turn the mic toward the audience maneuver.
Afterwards, she said, "That's good singing." Let me just tell you, ain't
nobody never wrong when their giving me a complement.
To Rebut:
I hate to break it to you, but Sarah is not actually giving you a complement. See, you're just playing back a recording of Sarah complimenting someone else, namely the singing portion of her audience that night at that venue. Also, there is no Santa Claus.

Date: Tuesday, November 20, 2001 9:47 PM
From: r_anshell@(deleted)
Subj: prove wrong
RESOLVED: The worst part of any live album is when a band member talks to the audience.
Jim Morrison, baby!
To Rebut:
Congratulations! You have proved us wrong! The worst part of any live Doors album is when Jim Morrison pulls out his penis!

Date: Tuesday, November 20, 2001 10:00 PM
From: jbiard@(deleted)
Subj: Re: RESOLVED: The worst part of any live album is when a band member talks to the audience.
I'm responding to
RESOLVED: The worst part of any live album is when a band member
talks to the audience.
You are wrong, of course. Let's prove it by induction.
RESOLVED: The best part of some live album is when a band member
talks to the audience.
If this statement is true, then it means that the remainder of the album is
worse than the part in which a band member is talking to the audience. What
is that other part? The music. This would require the music to be so
mind-shatteringly awful that listening to the pathetic verbal excrescence
produced by the talentless degenerate that was even partly responsible for
said music would seem pleasant in comparison to the prospect of experiencing
more of the intestine-wrenching, needle-through-your-eyeball, gag-reflex
inducing crap that was being foisted upon the listener as "musical
So, is there even one such album? Is there one live album where the verbal
diarrhea of the artiste is to be preferred over the harmonic pustulence of
his or her music? Hmmm, let's see...
1) Lawrence Welk - "Live at Lake Tahoe"
2) The Shaggs - if they had ever done a live album
3) Barry Manilow - "Live"
... and that's without even thinking hard!
Looks like I won!
Except... it just dawned on me that the pleasure - or should I say relief -
one might feel during a music-free interlude while listening to such a live
album would only be experienced the first time you exposed yourself to it.
If you should, for some reason that is beyond my imaginative capacity,
decide to listen to the album again instead of using it as the central
component in an act of ritual sacrifice (one that would preferably include
burning until nothing recognizable remained), you would find that the
prosodic passages (oooh, alliteration!) would fill you with a dread equal in
its own special awfulness to the psychic pain you experienced during the
melodic compositions as you realized (having heard the album before) that
the artiste would not continue to speak indefinitely, and that you would
shortly be subjecting yourself to further torture at the hands of the demons
that crafted the opus you were inflicting upon yourself.
So, if you are dopey enough to listen to the album twice, then you win! You
will also either be insane or have gouged your eyes out, but that's fine
with me as long as you don't make me listen to the album!
(BTW, if you've never experienced The Shaggs, you can get a sampling of
their unique musical stylings at
To Rebut:
Yes I agree, it's tragic there is no Shaggs live album. But we must get on with our lives, and this Prove Us Wrong. You missed the aforementioned Alabama and a live album of fingernails on chalkboards. (Personally, I think they would have gotten better dynamic frequency response in the studio.) So, yes you have proved us wrong! We're sending you a copy of the Shaggs live album as your prize! Enjoy!

Date: Tuesday, November 20, 2001 10:01 PM
From: Kevin.Odwyer@(deleted)
Dear Sir, Mame....whatever,
I have to agree with you on this. Who the hell buys a CD or album to listen to talk, unless of course one is one of those unfortunate idiots who think RAP is in any way considered music or artsy.
Hearing talk on an album ( bar comedy ) is as irritating, boring,and useful as watching UNPLUGGED on MTV or VH1 - whichever lame station airs it. As far as I'm concerned, other than listening to the tune, if I'm really that interested in what you have to say, I'll send a letter or e-mail.
To Rebut:
Yeah, I'm sick and tired of rap stars constantly talking about how they're in it for the creation of individual works of artistic expression! They way they constantly compare themselves to Rimbaud and Moliere really chafes my buttocks.
Tragically, your blatant anti-spoken word CDs attitude has incurred the wrath of Henry Rollins and his neck. They will soon be at your door, so I'd beat it if I were you. And don't expect any sympathy from that Jello Biafra jerk.

Date: Wednesday, November 21, 2001 1:35 AM
From: Sweeti9397@(deleted)
Subj: bands talking to audiance
Janice Joplin says some pretty interesting things that are worth listening to
before the song maybe on janis joplin's greatist hits
To Rebut:
Wow, the stuff Joplin says must be absolutely fascinating if you can't even remember what album it's on.

Date: Wednesday, November 21, 2001 7:21 AM
From: Trip2500@(deleted)
Subj: What's the point??
I never have heard any such thing happening on a live album. If it did please
tell me which one it is
I'd like to BUY IT!!!
To Rebut:
You're kidding right? Geez, get out from under that rock and into the sunshine, superman! Live a little! Go to your local thrift store and sift through all the copies of "Oklahoma" and Herb Alpert's "Whipped Cream and Other Delights" and find some crappy live albums and hear the band talk to the crowd! My personal fave is in the middle of Neil Diamond's Hot August Nights when he stops everything to get audience member Henry "the Fonz" Winkler on stage and tries to browbeat him into singing.

Date: Wednesday, November 21, 2001 2:49 PM
From: Hcarter@(deleted)
Subj: Live album
At the end of Living in Clip, the Ani DiFranco live album. There is hidden
track where she tells a story so funny that I listen to the minute and a
half of dead air every time just to hear it.
Heidi Carter
Administrative Assistant
Quantum Management Services, Inc.
To Rebut:
Crap! You're proving us wrong twice! This one and the old Prove Us Wrong about no CD bonus track being worth waiting for! Double nertz! Quit it! MOM!!!!

Date: Wednesday, November 21, 2001 11:41 PM
From: la_ady@(deleted)
Subj: live album banter
I have to say that the banter the band has with their audience is sometimes
the best part. It allows us to glimpse at the man (woman) behind the
instruments and songs. No longer are we confined to the lyrics to let us get
to know the band, but we can hear for ourselves how good they are at
improving with the fans, and "keeping it real". Since we can't all be at
all the concerts, the live albums give us that opportunity that the late
night talk shows don't.
Thanks for letting me share.
To Rebut:
Hey, sharing is our middle name. Now why don't you go share it outside for awhile. I'm not denying that the band talking to the fans at a live show can be an enriching and rewarding experience for all, whether it's about the latest bill before congress, the necessity of acting now to preserve the biosphere, or whether the singer could simply get his monitor turned up. But these fleeting moments are of a particular time and place and inextricably linked to the group of people in attendance. Divorced from all that, stripped of context, recorded and listened to later by indifferent strangers... what we're saying is, can any recording truly fully capture the experience of being there? Of course not. A small team of people would have to come with the live album, surround you, and scream in your ear and poke you at random intervals. Until such a future as that as becomes practical, or until "albums" become obsolete because everyone can have a set of perfect clones of the band to play on demand, the talking on live albums, that sacred communion between performer and audience, will always be revealed on the recording as the codswalloping drivel of drugged up morons that it is.

Date: Friday, November 23, 2001 9:54:51 PM
From: DSI@(deleted)
Subj: T-shirts
ok. I polish my car with t-shirts, i re-design them with beads and cut-outs for summer, if they become too stained and ratty, i stuff them with packing peanuts and make winter havens for my various domestic animals outside with them. I use them to wrap my antique costume jewely in for storage. The special ones, that are ragged out are turned into throw pillows so i am surround by all those cool memories. T- shirts , never have enough !
To Rebut:
Okay, A, that Prove Us Wrong is old, B, you have a problem, C, seek professional help, D, we are not professional help, E, we're not even amateur help, and F, hell, we're not even help. We'll will actively make it worse by trying to convince you to buy one of our T-shirts! Buy one now! They're keen! Click here! NOW!

Date: Friday, November 23, 2001 11:27 PM
From: gerald_62@(deleted)
Subj: prove us wrong
RESOLVED: The worst part of any live album is when a band member talks to the audience.
All right, all right, I concede, the worst part of any live album really is when the band talks to the audience. The band member never has anything good to say, just sort of stumbles through some lines, says "Don't do drugs" (even though it was probably drugs that prompted him/her to talk to the audience in the first place) and jumps into the next song. I was going to argue that the worst part of any live band is the screaming audience worshipping their musical gods, but at least their screaming often drowns out some of the band member's bloody boring speach. So, yes, you have finally come up with an unrefutable argument. Congratulations.
I have not proved you wrong.
To Rebut:
Oh. Cool! Uh... thanks! It's folks like you who make this whole thing bearable.
Prove Us Wrong!