Chasm: Hero of the Park Service We went back to the car and drove to the nearest Park Service station. Wendell and I went inside and found a nice gift shop and a few other tourist all wasting time until the weather broke. The Park Service wasnt complaining, every kid in the place was tugging at mom and dads coats asking them to buy something. Even the parents were tugging at the grandparent's coat tails trying to get a souvenir. Everyone was in the spirit of buying. Even I broke down to purchase something, a comic book. But it wasnt just any comic book, it was the Chasm comic book. Who is Chasm? I believe hes one of the few superheroes who works for the US Department of the Interior, Park Service. Yes, the Grand Canyon has its own superhero. Im guessing he doesnt garner a lot of respect from the other guys at the Justice League. I guess his story would go something like this:
INTERIOR JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA -- DAYThen once Chasm gets to the canyon he becomes a bitter vigilante. All of the Park Rangers hate him because he doesnt follow the rules of the US Park Service.
Batman is handing out assignments to the Justice League.
Wonder Woman youll work with me. Superman, you go protect Metropolis from the greatest villains the universe has to offer. Okay everyone lets go.
What about me?
Oh, you go to the Grand Canyon and make sure no one litters.
Everyone laughs, except for Chasm who walks away dejected.
Chasm, there is protocol in dealing with a tin can in the aluminum can recycling container.
I dont have time for your rules. Im gonna just take the tin can out and put it were it belongs.
Absolutely not. Youve got to fill out the paper work and notify Washington.
You go ahead and fill out your paper work, Ive got a world to save.
Chasm storms off to save the world from litter.
Copyright © 2000 The Van Gogh-Goghs