Van Gogh-Goghs Disclose New Evidence in Lewinsky Case
LOS ANGELES, CA (January 27, 1998) -- Startling new evidence in the ongoing Presidential sex scandal was disclosed today by a Los Angeles-based comedy group, the Van Gogh-Goghs.
The group announced it possessed a polaroid that raised doubts about President Bill Clinton's denials of a sexual relationship with former White House intern Monica Lewinsky. The photo clearly shows the President and Ms. Lewinsky in what appears to be the Rose Garden bed.
"Until I saw this photo, I never believed the rumors," said the Van Gogh-Gogh's Jason Torchinsky (no relation to Ms. Lewinsky), who happens to be an expert in photo retouching.
The group acquired the photo during a White House tour taken by the group after their first show in the nation's capitol several years ago. According to group member Alan Benson, several members of the ensemble interrupted the President and Ms. Lewinsky during a private moment. One of the members snapped a photo.
"He was real nice," said group member T. Mike Childs. "He even signed it!"
The President also jotted the initials "RHTS," which is believed to be White House code for "Raise Hell This Summer."
The photo raises new questions about the role of Mr. Snuggs, the first teddy bear. He was allegedly sharing the bed with the President and Ms. Lewinsky.
Mr. Snuggs' press liason denied the allegations of wrongdoing on Mr. Snuggs' part, citing the fact that he is "inanimate."
Special prosecutor Kenneth Starr has announced plans to subpoena Mr. Snuggs and is said to be considering interviewing the duvet cover as well.
1. President William J. Clinton
2. Monica S. Lewinsky
3. Her hat
4. The pillow
5. Teddy bear (allegedly Mr. Snuggs)
6. President seal duvet cover