- Fatass
- Hammertoes
- Doctor Lovehandles
- Droopy
- Little Susie Sags-Too-Much
- Monkeybutt
- Daddy's Li'l Chumbucket
- Mr. Badlay
- 15-Second Man
- Bad Odor Gal
- Mr. Fucks-Up-Everything
- God's Curse on Humanity
- Coyote Breath
- Jailbait
- Wannabe Ho
- Frankie Flatulent
- Crack Baby
- Scab Eater
- Gag Inducer
- Theodore Roosevelt's Rotting Corpse
- The Reverend Mr. Fuckup
- Bloodbag
- Suicide Inspiration
- Iceblock
- VD Man
- Moustache Girl
- Here Goes Nothin'
- Problem
- Worthless Sack of Shit
- Stenchy McButtface
- Future Regret
- Stupid Failure
- Hannah Hemorrhage
- Wallet-Sucker
- Thing That's Almost Human
- Running Sore
- My Gonorrheal God
- Senator Skank
- Dead Cow
- Sir Crap
- Lady Lardass
- Pusbucket
- Professor Loosebowels
- Itchy Rash
- Shitface
- Ex to Be
- Lying Son of a Bitch
- 90% Gut
- Harpy
- Johnny Limp-All-Over
- Gaping Hole
- Unsuspecting Victim
- Whatsyerface
- Van Gogh-Gogh Fan