Van Gogh-Goghs Ordered to Cease Offering "Ask the Big Boy" |
The other day, we received a letter that just ruined our collective
days. Now don't get us wrong -- we love getting letters from our site
visitors, but letters containing the term "cease and desist" and
making vague intimations about lawsuits can really suck the joie out
of one's vivre.
And our vivre was just about sucked dry when we read the letter
below, which informed us that Elias Brothers (the folks who own the
Big Boy trademark) weren't about to take "Ask the Big Boy" in the
spirit of fun and good times it was intended. They wanted it gone,
and their unnecessarily stern letter (which made Alan cry, by the
way) gave us ten days to do it.
Now even though our first impulse was to fight it (c'mon, the site is
obviously meant as humor, and no one with half a brain would think
this is the real Big Boy), our second through tenth impulses told us
that we don't have the cash, time, or gumption for a lawsuit.
So instead, we're offering up Elias Brothers' letter and a revised,
non-trademark-infringing substitute. In a couple of weeks, we'll let
you vote on the permanent replacement for our Internet sage. And you
can bet a certain overweight corporate shill won't have any input on
his replacement. |