On the Road: Looking at America Through a Layer of Filth, Grime and Bug Guts

Standing on the corner...
Standing on the Corner in Winslow, AZ.

Wendell thought it would be a cool to stop in Winslow, Arizona. I don't know what Winslow is famous for, but they make a very big deal out of being mentioned in an old Eagles song. Wendell wanted a picture of himself standing on a corner of Winslow, Arizona, thinking it would be such a fine sight to see. When we found a corner there was a girl, my lord, in a flat bed Ford slowing down to take a look at me. She was a cop and she told us to keep it moving. Evidently, loitering is a 50 dollar fine in Winslow. The Eagles failed to mention that.

Actually, if truth be told, we did stop for a picture of Wendell on a corner of Winslow, Arizona. There was a bum, my lord, looking for a score, walking fast to get a quarter from me. He offered to take our picture from the middle of the street. Thousands of visiting Eagle fans had made him an expert on where to stand to get the best picture of the corner. We had already taken our pictures so we didn't take him up on his offer. But we did hand him a pocket full of change.

Now if you are doubting this was the actual corner the Eagles sang about, then stop. A lot of careful research went into reading the sign that hung at this place. The sign was hand painted very nicely and said very clearly this was indeed the spot from the song. You just can't paint a sign claiming to be an historic site. That would be wrong and people don't do that. I'm certain and I hold this truth close to my heart, the corner I stood at is the one true "corner in Winslow, Arizona."

By the way, I did see a truck. However the vehicle I saw was not a flat bed Ford, it was a Nissan pick up. And it was more parked than slowed down. There was no girl and she wasn't taking a look at me, however we did manage to take it easy.

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