Flagstaff, AZ
If you think the Meteor Crater is inconvenient to the highway,
then don't even think about going to the Grand Canyon. You have to
leave the west bound interstate and travel north for about an
hour. We thought the side trip would be worth it, but it was
getting to be around 5 o'clock so we needed to hurry. We cut
through Flagstaff and headed up to the Canyon. The one thing I
noticed in Flagstaff that surprised my ignorant, misinformed brain
was the large number of snow ski shops and resorts. I don't think
of snow when I think of Arizona, I think of hot and arid desserts.
But there are some high elevations in the state and the Grand
Canyon itself is at a pretty high elevation. So it can get pretty
cold and pretty snowy around this area.
There was one strange ski place that is interesting to
note, called the Ski Haus. The lettering on the sign
for the place is written in an old German style script.
This isn't so weird, because it adds to the atmosphere of a place
with the word "Haus" in its title. But what struck me as odd was
the old late 1930's style military jeep setting out beside the
place. I thought that took the atmosphere a little too far. When I
think about places I would like to rent ski equipment from, I
immediately eliminate all places that remind me of Nazis. And when
I think of Germany in the late 1930's, I can't help but think of
Hitler. Go figure.
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Van Gogh-Goghs