Van Gogh-Goghish Links
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Mystic Al's Link o' Some Undefined Time Period
Still working on a new, improved, or at least workable links mechanism for this here page. But I had to share these.
What is it about cancelled shows and fan fiction? Does this mean that there's someone writing "My Mother the Car" and "Joker's Wild" fan fiction, too?
For my money, there's no better meat than the kind of meat that comes in a cone. Mmmm, geometric.
Oh, and for those who missed it, we still have the wonder of Webmasters ripping on Webmasters who rip off other Webmasters at www.pirated-sites.com. Or, even better, the wonder of adult Webmasters ripping on etc. etc. etc. at the sublimely named idonothaveabraininmyhead.com.
And there's also this: For you macho types, there's Hubzilla, which offers the magic of a FireWire hub crammed into the body of a Godzilla doll. Of course, if you're really macho, you'll be just a comfortable with this two-port USB hub. Expensive? Yeah. Worth it? Hell yeah.
See you real soon.
-Mystic Al
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